Eastern Christian Art: call for articles.

Over the past years, the scholarly interest in the Christian art of the Middle East has considerably increased. A major problem to students focusing on this subject is the absence of a periodical specialized in Oriental Christian art. A few years ago, Leiden University initiated the Essays on Christian Art and Culture in the Middle East (ECACME), which was a low budget journal, produced as a part of the university’s educative and scholarly projects executed in Egypt and Syria. Since this periodical also attracted international scholarly attention, we decided to attempt to raise its level accordingly. We envisaged a successor of high quality, called Eastern Christian Art (ECA), to fulfil the growing needs of a specialized scholarly platform. We discussed this matter with Peeters Publishers in Leuven, and we are pleased to inform you that they are willing to publish ECA on annual basis. It will be a full colour journal (size 27 x 19.4 cm). We estimate the number of pages for the first years at 140-160 pp. The preparations for the first volume, to be published in autumn 2004, are already in progress.

Eastern Christian Art is devoted to studies in Christian art and archaeology in the Middle East, in English, French and German. Its aim is to present studies about the Christian material culture in countries of the Middle East within a broad, interdisciplinary context, including Late Antique, Byzantine, Islamic, and crusader elements.

The preparations for the first volume, to be published in autumn 2004, are already in progress. Authors are invited to contribute to Eastern Christian Art. The deadline for the first volume is 1 February 2004, for the second volume 1 January 2005.


Subscriptions may be sent to booksellers or to PEETERS Publishers, Bondgenotenlaan 153, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium.


Authors of articles are entitled to receive 25 off-prints free of charge. Additional off-prints (per 25) may be ordered. Please indicate the number of off-prints required when returning the proofs.

Instructions to authors

1. Manuscripts. Authors are requested to supply their final text, preferably as a Word or Word Perfect document, on floppy disk or CD-ROM accompanied by a print-out. Authors should retain a copy of their article. Preference is given to the English language, but French and German are allowed.

2. Illustrations. All illustrations other than photographs (line drawings, maps, plans, diagrams) are to be considered as figures. They should be numbered in one series in the text in their order of mention. For line drawings Indian black ink should be used. Final versions of diagrams should be on white non-transparent paper or sent as glossy prints on photographic paper. Photographs should be glossy prints showing clear details. Slides are accepted as well. All should be numbered in one series. Captions should be typed on a separate sheet.


3. References and footnotes. Bibliographic references should be listed alphabetically at the end of the article and set out as follows:

Anderson, J.K. 1975, ‘Greek Chariot-borne and Mounted Infantry’, AJA 79, 175-187.

Beyen, H.G. 1960, Die pompejanische Wanddekoration vom zweiten bis zum vierten Stil II.1, Den Haag.

Boardman, J. 1977, ‘The Parthenon Frieze: Another View’, in U. Hockmann and A. Krug (eds.), Festschrift für Frank Brommer, Mainz, 39-49.

Kalverman, K. 1995, Die Antikensammlung des Kardinal Scipione Borghese (Römische Studien der Bibliotheca Hertziana 11), Worms am Rhein.

Abbreviations of titles of periodicals and standard works may be used; they should follow those used in:

S.M. Schwertner, Internationales Abkürzungsverzeichnis für Theologie und Grenzgebiete (Berlin, 2nd ed., 1992), same as used in TRE.

Footnotes should be numbered consecutively. References in text or footnotes should follow the author-date system, e.g.:

Anderson 1975; Boardman 1977, 42; Beyen 1960, Pl. 55; Kalverman 1995, Ch. I.

4. Proofs. The authors will normally receive one copy of the first proof. This should be carefully corrected and returned as soon as possible.

Editorial Board:

B. ter Haar Romeny

M. Immerzeel

K.C. Innemée

M. Łaptas

G.J.M. van Loon

S. Schaten

B. Snelders


All correspondence concerning editorial matters, manuscripts and books for review should be sent to: Leiden University, Paul van Moorsel Centre/TCMO, Box 9515, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands; E-mail: NEART@let.leidenuniv.nl.