International Association for Coptic Studies
Association Internationale d’Études Coptes

Webmaster: Alin Suciu
Past-webmaster (and ad interim): Tito Orlandi (orlandi at
Site hosted by the Corpus dei Manoscritti Copti Letterari

The IACS was founded on the occasion of the First International Congress of Coptology in Cairo: Colloquium on the Future of Coptic Studies, 11–17 December 1976.
The Association is a non-profit organization designed to encourage and contribute to the progress of all aspects of Coptic studies. It promotes international cooperation among individuals as well as among organizations and institutions. It advances the dissemination of information about work in progress, new discoveries, and new results, organizes the periodic International Congresses of Coptic Studies, facilitates full access to and the rapid publication of source materials, identifies priorities for research at a given time, brings to the attention of younger scholars the whole range of Coptic studies, etc.

Honorary Presidents:

Mirrit Boutros Ghali (1976–1992), Pierre du Bourguet (1976–1988), Labib Habashi (1976–1984), Pahor Labib (1976–1994), Gamal Mokhtar (1976–1998), H. J. Polotsky (1976–1991), Torgny Säve-Söderbergh (1976–1998), Alla I. Elanskaya (1984–2005), Hans Quecke (1996–1998), Rodolphe Kasser (2000–2013), Martin Krause (2000–), James M. Robinson (2000–2016), Bishop Samuel (2000–2003), Tito Orlandi (2022–).

Board 2022–2026:

                   President:                              Paola BUZI 
                   President-Elect:           Tonio Sebastian RICHTER
                   Secretary:                           Stephen EMMEL
                   Webmaster:                              Alin SUCIU
                   Director, Cairo Center:               Mourad WAHBA
                   Editor, JCoptS                      Anne BOUD'HORS
                   Congress Secretary:                    Frank FEDER
                   Members at Large (2 terms):      Florence CALAMENT
                                                        Hugo LUNDHAUG
                                    (1 term):  Elisabeth R. O'CONNELL
                                                Caroline T. SCHROEDER